Case Study: Shrink Wrap Packaging Machinery for Timber & Wood Products

Kempner, a leader in shrink wrap packaging solutions, was approached by a prominent manufacturer of garden products. The client required high-output shrink packaging equipment to handle a variety of timber components, ensuring complete self-assembly kits were delivered to customers in pristine condition.

Client Needs and Challenges

The timber manufacturer needed to address several key challenges with their packaging setup:

  • High Output Speeds: The need for efficient, high-speed shrink wrapping to handle large volumes of timber products.
  • Protection: Ensuring the packaging was robust enough to protect heavy timber items from damage during shipping.
  • Cost Efficiency: Reducing packaging costs while maintaining or improving the quality of protection.

Solution: High-Speed Side Sealer and Polythene Film

After a thorough evaluation of the client’s requirements, Kempner recommended a high-speed side sealer from our extensive range of packaging machinery, paired with durable polythene shrink wrap film.

Key Features of the Solution

  • High-Speed Side Sealer: This machine offers the high output rates necessary for the client’s large-scale operation. It is specifically designed to handle the bulk and weight of timber products efficiently.
  • Polythene Shrink Wrap Film: Known for its durability and puncture resistance, polythene film is ideal for shrink wrapping heavy, bulky items like timber, ensuring they remain protected during transport and storage.

Implementation Process

The implementation of Kempner’s shrink wrap solution for the timber manufacturer involved several crucial steps:

  1. Initial Assessment: Conducting a detailed analysis of the client’s existing packaging challenges and operational needs.
  2. Customisation: Adapting the side sealer machinery to meet the specific requirements of the timber products.
  3. Installation: Seamlessly installing the packaging machines, including infeed and outfeed conveyors, with minimal disruption to the client’s operations.
  4. Training: Providing comprehensive training for the client’s staff to ensure effective use and maintenance of the new equipment.
  5. Testing and Optimisation: Conducting rigorous testing to guarantee optimal performance and protection of the packaged timber products.

Benefits of Shrink Wrap for Timber Products

Shrink wrapping timber products, such as garden furniture and wooden flooring, offers several benefits, enhancing protection, logistics, and marketability. Here are key advantages:

Protection Against Environmental Elements

Shrink wrapping provides a tight seal around timber products, shielding them from moisture, dust, and UV radiation. This is crucial for preventing warping, discolouration, and damage from water or sun exposure, ensuring the products remain in pristine condition during storage and transit.

Enhanced Durability

Shrink wrap is made from durable, puncture-resistant materials that can withstand rough handling and long shipping durations. This durability ensures the timber products are well-protected against potential damages from external forces.


Compared to other packaging materials, shrink wrap can be more cost-effective due to its lower material costs and the reduced need for additional protective packaging layers. It also tends to be lightweight, which can help in reducing shipping costs.

Improved Storage Efficiency

Shrink-wrapped products can be stacked and stored more efficiently, maximising warehouse space. The clear wrap allows for easy identification of products without the need to open the packaging, facilitating better inventory management.

Sustainability Options

With advancements in materials technology, biodegradable and recyclable shrink wrap options are increasingly available, offering a more sustainable choice for companies committed to environmental responsibility.

Market Presentation

Shrink wrapping can enhance the market presentation of timber products. The clear film allows the beauty and quality of the wood to be visible, while also providing a surface for branding and informational labels, improving product appeal to potential buyers.

Results and Benefits

The deployment of Kempner’s shrink wrap solution brought significant improvements for the timber manufacturer.

Enhanced Efficiency

The high-speed operation of our side sealer machinery enabled the client to package timber products swiftly, significantly reducing manual handling and labour requirements. This improved the overall efficiency of their packaging process.

Cost Savings

By utilising Kempner’s durable polythene shrink wrap film, the client achieved notable cost savings. The robust and efficient nature of the film reduced material waste and lowered overall packaging costs.

Superior Product Protection

The durable and puncture-resistant properties of the polythene shrink wrap ensured that timber products remained protected from environmental elements and physical damage during transport and storage. This maintained the quality and integrity of the products, enhancing customer satisfaction.

Client Testimonial

The timber manufacturer expressed their satisfaction with Kempner’s solution, highlighting the enhanced efficiency, cost savings, and superior protection of the shrink wrap packaging. They commended Kempner’s professional approach and the seamless integration of the new machinery into their operations.


Kempner’s successful implementation of the shrink wrap solution for the timber manufacturer underscores our expertise in delivering high-quality, efficient, and cost-effective packaging solutions. This case study highlights Kempner’s ability to assess client needs, recommend appropriate solutions, and achieve results that enhance operational efficiency and product protection.

Key Takeaways

  • High-Speed Performance: Kempner’s side sealer machine meets the need for rapid packaging in high-volume environments.
  • Enhanced Product Protection: Durable polythene shrink wrap film provides robust protection against environmental elements and physical damage.
  • Cost Efficiency: Significant reductions in packaging costs through the use of durable and efficient shrink wrap film.
  • Professional and Consultative Approach: Kempner’s expertise ensures tailored solutions that drive long-term success.

Future Prospects

Looking ahead, Kempner remains committed to innovation in shrink wrap technology. We are continuously exploring new materials and advanced machinery designs to further enhance the performance and sustainability of our packaging solutions. By staying at the forefront of technological advancements, Kempner aims to provide clients with cutting-edge solutions that meet the evolving demands of the packaging industry, ensuring our position as a trusted partner for timber manufacturers and other businesses in need of reliable shrink wrap packaging.

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shrink wrapping equipment and materials.