Case Study: Pizza Shrink Wrap Packaging Solution

Kempner, a leader in shrink wrap packaging solutions, was approached by a renowned pizza brand looking to upgrade their packaging operation. After assessing their specific needs, we identified several areas where their existing operation could be improved to become more efficient, economical, and environmentally friendly.

Client Needs and Challenges

The pizza brand required a high-throughput shrink wrap packaging solution with the following criteria:

  • Efficiency: Reducing manual handling in the packaging process to improve overall efficiency.
  • Durability: Ensuring the packaging could withstand chilled and freezing temperatures during storage, transit, retail display, and in the consumer’s home.
  • Environmental Friendliness: Adopting a more environmentally friendly packaging process.

Solution: Advanced Shrink Wrap Machinery and Film

After evaluating the pizza brand’s requirements, Kempner recommended a comprehensive solution involving advanced automated shrink wrap machinery and high-quality shrink wrap film.

Why Shrink Wrap is Ideal for Chilled and Frozen Pizzas

Shrink wrap is widely used in food manufacturing due to its numerous benefits:

  • Protection: Shrink wrap forms an airtight seal around products, preventing oxygen from degrading the food and protecting it from contamination.
  • Durability: It can withstand various temperature ranges, making it ideal for chilled and frozen pizzas.
  • Efficiency: Modern shrink wrap machinery enhances the packaging process, reducing manual handling and increasing throughput.

Key Features of the Solution

  • Automated Shrink Wrap Machinery: Our automated machinery offers significantly higher throughput rates compared to manual and semi-automatic machines. This reduces the need for manual handling and labour, improving the accuracy and efficiency of the shrink wrapping process.
  • High-Quality Shrink Wrap Film: We recommended a film with excellent optical qualities to enhance shelf appeal, ensuring the pizzas looked attractive in their packaging. This film also needed to be durable enough to withstand freezing temperatures.

Implementation Process

The implementation of Kempner’s shrink wrap solution for the pizza brand involved several critical steps:

  • Initial Assessment: Conducting a thorough analysis of the client’s existing packaging operation and identifying areas for improvement.
  • Customisation: Adapting the shrink wrap machinery to meet the specific requirements of the chilled and frozen pizzas.
  • Installation: Seamlessly installing the automated machinery with minimal disruption to the client’s ongoing operations.
  • Training: Providing comprehensive training for the client’s staff to ensure efficient use and maintenance of the new equipment.
  • Testing and Optimisation: Conducting rigorous testing to ensure optimal performance and durability of the packaging.

Results and Benefits

The deployment of Kempner’s shrink wrap solution yielded significant improvements for the pizza brand.

Enhanced Efficiency

The high-speed operation of our automated shrink wrap machinery enabled the client to package pizzas swiftly, reducing manual handling and labour requirements. This improved the overall efficiency of their packaging process.

Cost Savings

By utilising Kempner’s high-quality shrink wrap film, the client achieved considerable cost savings. The durability and efficiency of the film reduced waste and lowered material costs over time.

Superior Product Quality

The shrink wrap film’s excellent optical qualities enhanced the shelf appeal of the pizzas, making them more attractive to consumers. The airtight seal provided by the shrink wrap ensured the pizzas remained fresh and protected from contamination.

Environmental Benefits

The automated machinery reduced the need for manual handling, lowering energy consumption and labour costs. Additionally, the efficiency of the shrink wrap process minimised material waste, contributing to a more environmentally friendly packaging operation.

Client Testimonial

The pizza brand expressed their satisfaction with Kempner’s solution, highlighting the enhanced efficiency, cost savings, and improved product quality. They appreciated Kempner’s professional approach and the seamless integration of the new machinery into their operations.


Kempner’s successful implementation of the shrink wrap solution for the pizza brand underscores our expertise in delivering high-quality, efficient, and environmentally friendly packaging solutions. This case study highlights Kempner’s ability to assess client needs, recommend suitable solutions, and achieve results that enhance operational efficiency and product quality.

Key Takeaways

  • High-Speed Performance: Kempner’s automated shrink wrap machinery meets the need for rapid packaging in high-volume environments.
  • Enhanced Product Quality: High-quality shrink wrap film provides excellent protection and enhances the visual appeal of packaged products.
  • Cost Efficiency: Significant reductions in packaging costs through the use of durable and efficient shrink wrap film.
  • Environmental Benefits: Reduced material waste and lower energy consumption contribute to a more sustainable packaging process.
  • Professional and Consultative Approach: Kempner’s expertise ensures tailored solutions that drive long-term success.

Future Prospects

Looking ahead, Kempner remains committed to innovation in shrink wrap technology. We are continuously exploring new materials and advanced machinery designs to further enhance the performance and sustainability of our packaging solutions. By staying at the forefront of technological advancements, Kempner aims to provide clients with cutting-edge solutions that meet the evolving demands of the packaging industry, ensuring our position as a trusted partner for food manufacturers and other businesses in need of reliable shrink wrap packaging.

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shrink wrapping equipment and materials.